An essential quality of typography reappears after 50 years of obscurity Type tips 5 minutes In the era of lead type, a typeface was always available in different design variations. The transition to digital had abolished this practice, which was nevertheless fundamental. It is now making a comeback with variable fonts and the concept of optical sizes.
History of monetary symbols: the pound sterling (3) Type tips 5 minutes I initially thought of writing just three brief paragraphs about this well-known symbol. However, the writing of this article took the form of a genuine little investigation. Let’s delve into the history of the pound sterling.
My typographic cleaning routine of a text Type tips 3 minutes We’re not discussing a morning routine or a makeup routine here, but rather a typographic cleaning routine. It’s about how to clean up a text typographically before finalizing its layout.
History of currency symbols: the Euro (2) Type tips 4 minutes The euro was born in 1996 and entered our lives in 2002. Its symbol is now a familiar part of our world, but its implementation was not as straightforward as one might imagine.
History of currency symbols: the Dollar (1) Type tips 2 minutes Currency symbols are universal; they accompany us in all our transactions and find their way into all the writings of the world. However, their history sometimes eludes us. Let’s start this series by looking at the history of the Dollar.
Uncover the potential of your fonts with OpenType features Type tips 8 minutes The OpenType format has considerably increased the potential of fonts… but how can we get the most out of these functions? Let’s look into the main OpenType features and how to activate them.
Use the right quotation marks Type tips 4 minutes There are multiple forms of quotation marks, each suited to a particular context. We will study in detail their characteristics and the simplest ways to use them well.
More elegant texts with typographic apostrophe Type tips 5 minutes I open in this blog a section of typographic tips, designed to answer questions that come up frequently in my conversations with clients or students. This section is for all users of typography, that is to say almost everyone now!