Type Workshop at ESADHAR Le Havre, France
Typographic workshop hosted by Brigitte Monnier and Bruno Bernard, at École supérieure d’art et de design du Havre, from 6 to 9 October 2014.
©4n u re4d me ?
We use typography every day to exchange all types of messages. It is an instrument of communication and a factor of social cohesion. It is based on conventions known to all, that allow easy reading of the information. What will happen if one challenges these conventions? How and why could we design a typeface that does not comply with the rules?
Choose a mode of alteration of signs
Draw and vectorize a coherent alphabet
Generate a real typographical font
Use the typeface in a real context showing its relevance.
Alexandre Ferguth, Audrey Schindler, Charlotte Utecht, Chengcheng Li, Chloé Orange, Marie Hauchecorne, Marjolaine Edouard, Milène Mahérault, Pierrick Romero, Sophia Bacquet, Valentin Daniel, Valentine Puyandre, Tara Keogh.